How to avoid noise nuisance in shopping malls and shop
Put yourself into another’s shoes. Every shopping mall should avoid noise nuisance and it is a very
easy task. Here are some tips:
Careful location of noisy areas
Locate noisy areas away from sensitive
recipients (like residential buildings),
and especially avoid placing open
dining courtyards directly underneath
residential towers.
Noise absorbing paving materials
Choose paving materials which are
noise absorbing. Examples of a better
choice of materials:
• Linoleum on concrete
(3% better than marble tile)
• Wood flooring on concrete
(5% better than marble tile)
• Carpet tiles (sound absorbing)
(30% better than marble tile)
Avoid large flat wall
For courtyards or semi courtyards,
avoid large flat wall surfaces that
might reflect or echo noise.
Provision of canopies
Where permitted by regulations, provide
glass or solid canopies which can reduce
noise while providing shading/protection
against the weather.
Planning for shopping malls and shop spaces
Hong Kong Green Building Council 77