5.4.3 Other lighting design considerations
The lighting design should avoid sharp contrasts in lighting levels between entrance halls/passages and outdoors.
With the presence of daylight, an entrance hall should be well lit, and during hours of darkness, lighting levels should be
reduced. To achieve this,
• provide additional lighting with supply taken from a separately timed and controlled circuit;
• avoid over provision of lighting for corridors, staircases, services lobbies, etc.
In order to ensure an energy efficient lighting system, the reflectance of the floors, walls and ceilings should be increased
by choosing a light colour scheme. Daylight and high efficacy lamps should also be considered.
5.4.4 Lighting saving measures
Some common lighting saving measures and the difficulties that may be encountered in implementation are listed in the
following table for easy reference.
Difficulties and potential energy reduction of lighting saving measures
Lighting saving measures
Lighting energy
reduction (%)
Decrease lighting level by de-lamping or replacing
bulbs with energy efficient lamp bulb
Easy and immediate.
15 – 30
instead of T8
Easy for new project.
For existing shopping malls, it may not be
possible to replace the light fittings without
taking down the ceiling.
30 – 40
instead of incandescent lamp
70 – 80
Use electronic instead of electromagnetic ballast
20 – 40
Use self-luminous EXIT sign instead of traditional
fluorescent EXIT sign
Proper lighting control zones
Easy for new project.
For existing shopping malls, it may be
implemented during renovation as cable wiring
works are required.
20 – 50
Occupancy sensor control for infrequent occupation
Lux sensor to dim parameter lighting or lighting
under/adjacent to skylight
20 – 40
Energy efficient building systems for shopping malls and shop spaces
Electricity and lighting
136 Hong Kong Green Shop Guide