Hong Kong Green Shop Guide - page 171

Green cleaning and maintenance
An intelligent retailer or shopping mall operator should develop a green cleaning programme to reduce the exposure
of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particulate
contaminants that may adversely affect air quality, human health, building finishes, building systems and the environment.
7.4.1 Methods
A green cleaning policy should address at least the following items:
• Purchase products and equipment that meet sustainability criteria for green cleaning
• Establish standard operating procedures addressing effective floor cleaning and maintenance issues
• Develop guidelines addressing the safe handling and storage of cleaning chemicals, including a plan for managing
hazardous spills or accidents
• Develop staffing and training requirements, and specifically address the training of maintenance personnel in the
hazards of use, disposal and recycling of cleaning chemicals, dispensing equipment and packaging
• Implement a method for collecting occupants’ feedback on cleaning policies and effectiveness
• Install continuous improvement programmes to evaluate new technologies, procedures and processes to promote
green cleaning.
7.4.2 Products
In view of the overwhelming number of hazardous chemicals on the market, it is hard to distinguish them from
environmentally friendly products. Here are some tips on selecting and handling the cleaning products.
Potential toxic ingredient
Deodorising/air purifying agent
• Synthetic musk
• Be careful when choosing products with synthetic scents or anti-virus and
disinfecting agents
• Use alternatives with fewer toxic materials (e.g. baking soda)
• Clean frequently and maintain good ventilation in order to remove the
sources of odours
• Synthetic musk
• Coal tar dye
• Phosphate
• Be careful when choosing detergents with synthetic scents
• Avoid detergents with the ingredient of phosphate
Bleaching agent
• Sodium hypochlorite
• Synthetic musk
• Nonyl phenol (NP) and
Nonylphenol polyethoxylates (NPEs)
• Be careful when choosing bleaching agents and ammonia water
• Wear plastic gloves when using bleaching agents
Operation maintenance and management
Green cleaning and maintenance
Hong Kong Green Building Council 169
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