Hong Kong Green Shop Guide - page 21

Stage 2: Design stage
Site, transportation and parking
• Choose a site that is close to the public transportation system such as the Mass
Transit Railway or a bus terminus.
• Provide shuttle bus services to the shopping mall where public transportation is
not nearby.
Convenient public transportation will reduce trips by private vehicles, thus
reducing traffic congestion problems at the mall as well as associated customer
• Where parking for customers is provided:
1) Provide parking spaces for electric vehicles as well as a charging facility.
2) Provide a smart parking system to eliminate unnecessary driving of cars in the
carpark while looking for empty parking spaces.
Electric vehicles are more environmentally friendly.
Compared to vehicles that depend on fossil fuel, electric vehicles are more energy
efficient and will cause less air pollution.
• Sites with substantial coverage of vegetation/numbers of significant and valuable
trees should be avoided for conservation.
• Allow proper tree protection measures for the preserved trees on site.
Natural ventilation vs. mechanical ventilation
and air-conditioning
• Considerations for natural ventilation:
1) Review the functional and commercial needs of the shopping mall and
shop spaces.
2) Identify opportunities for using natural ventilation or hybrid ventilation where it is
possible to reduce energy use and energy cost.
• Where air-conditioning is used:
1) It is important to use energy efficient air-conditioning systems
(e.g. a water-cooled system for central air-conditioning).
2) Consider adopting the Hong Kong Energy Saving Charter. The commitment of
both landlord and tenants is important.
3) Individual tenant’s sub-metering of air-conditioning usage should be
implemented where it is possible to encourage a tenant’s positive support for
reducing energy use.
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More details will be discussed
Connectivity and transport
Outdoor green space
Amenities for shopping
malls and shop spaces
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More details will be discussed
Between air-conditioning
and no air-conditioning
Heating, ventilation and
air-conditioning (HVAC)
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