Hong Kong Green Shop Guide - page 27

Decide to implement green building
certification or not
• Option1:
Implementation of certification under an established green building certification
standard (BEAM Plus) provides the following advantages:
– Successful certification ensures that the
basic aspects of green building for a new construction or major renovation are
complied with.
2) The display of the green building certificate on the premises raises the profile
and public image of the shopping malls and shop spaces in terms of their
commitment to corporate sustainability.
• Option 2:
If green building certification cannot be implemented due to limitations of budget
or resources, it is important to have a consultant with green building experience to
provide advice on how green goals can be achieved.
Forming the green team
• Everyone is involved – all work together to achieve the green goal
1) Developer’s or owner’s management decision makers
2) Consultants
3) Contractors
4) Facility Management
5) Tenants (where the tenants’ area is involved)
Consultants with green building experience are important:
Consultants with green building experience are preferred.
Professional help:
It is important to engage professional help with the development of a shopping mall
in an existing building. The following is a list of references for professional help:
1) The Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA)
2) Authorised Persons’ Register (AP) & Registered Structural Engineers (RSE)
3) The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects (HKILA)
4) Engineers Registration Board – Registered Professional Engineer (RPE)
5) Registered Architects (RA)
6) Registered Energy Assessors (REA)
8) Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA)
9) Surveyors Registration Board – Registered Professional Surveyors (RPS)
General Practice
10) The Law Society of Hong Kong
When Hong Kong BEAM Plus standards are adopted, it is important to have a
on the team.
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List of registered
Contractors’ contact
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