Hong Kong Green Shop Guide - page 32

Stage 4: Management stage
Facility management and maintenance
• Get all parties involved:
1) Facility management
2) Tenants
3) Maintenance staff
• Green Lease – adopt lease terms that encourage tenants to be green.
• Consider adopting the relevant
where possible – ISO 14001-2004
Environmental Management System.
• Continue the promotion of green awareness to tenants and shopping mall visitors.
• Provide support and space for waste sorting and recycling.
• Adopt green cleaning practices and encourage the use of green cleaning products.
• Review building facility management and operating practices to identify areas
which can make the management and operation of the shopping mall go greener.
• Allow resources for future horticultural maintenance and management, including
fertilising, pruning, pest control, regular tree inspection and risk assessments, etc.
Educating tenants and the public about the green features of your shopping mall is
important as this can help tenants and the public appreciate your green features and
enhance your shopping mall’s profile and corporate social responsibility.
Note: How to educate tenants and the public about the green features of the
shopping mall:
• Organising green tours of the shopping mall will help educate the tenants and the
public about the green features of the shopping mall.
• Producing videos about green features, including the design, technical aspects and
green strategies adopted for the shopping mall will help the tenants and the public
understand and appreciate the green features of the shopping mall.
• Placing labels and signage around the shopping mall to highlight the green
features and green materials used will help the tenants and the public recognise
and appreciate the green features in the shopping mall.
Getting started to go green
Quick Start Menu to go green
Continue to read:
More details will be discussed
Facility management and
Incentives for tenants
and shoppers
30 Hong Kong Green Shop Guide
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