Natural lighting in shopping malls and shop spaces
Introducing natural daylight to the interiors of shopping malls enhances spatial qualities and creates a visual connection
directly or indirectly to the outdoors that is enjoyed by most people. When designed properly, natural daylight can replace
artificial lighting and therefore provide savings in lighting energy consumption.
The means to allow daylight indoors while providing direct visual contact with the outdoors include windows, glass
façade and skylights. Other devices including light tubes or light shafts that only transmit daylight for luminance.
In this section, we will focus on the windows, glass walls and skylights only.
Shopping mall with natural lighting
Stanley Plaza
Use of wood tone blinds-shaped exterior & minimisation of perimeter wall
Figure 77 Wood tone blinds
(Source: The Link Management Limited)
Figure 78 Recessed perimeters
(Source: The Link Management Limited)
Stanley Plaza, awarded the BEAM platinum rating and being one of the finalists of the Green Building
Award 2012, demonstrates the application of natural lighting design:
• Use of a wood tone blinds-shaped exterior and minimisation of the perimeter wall to maximise the use of
natural lighting and utilise natural breezes near the seafront help reduce solar heat gain.
• Retail shops and corridors that are the most frequently occupied during the daylight hours are placed to
the south.
Source: The Link Management Limited
Green design for shopping malls and shop spaces
Natural lighting in shopping malls and shop spaces
Hong Kong Green Building Council 107