Provisions that help make a shopping mall family friendly
• Provide adequate places for parking strollers.
• Provide diaper changing areas in restrooms.
• Provide childcare facilities and children’s playrooms in the shopping malls and shop spaces to help
families to arrange activities for the children while parents are shopping.
• Provide both quiet and active activities in the playroom to suit the needs of different children.
• Provide adequate fresh air supply and ventilation.
• Provide natural daylight and views to childcare centres and children’s play rooms.
• Provide adequate numbers of trained supervisors.
• Avoid using toys and play equipment with materials or parts containing chemicals that may be harmful to
children’s health.
• Avoid using materials that may be harmful or toxic such as the following:
- Paint with lead content (See Section “Read more at” Item 1 for more details)
- Pressure treated wood – arsenic preservative (See Section “Read more at” Item 2 for more details)
- Carpets that emit gas
- Playmats that emit gas
Read more at:
1. Childcare Facility Painting, Renovation and Repair
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2013). Childcare Facility Painting,
Renovation and Repair. Retrieved 8 April, 2013, from
2. Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA): Questions & Answers: What You Need to Know About
Wood Pressure Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA)
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2013). Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA): Questions
& Answers: What You Need to KnowAbout Wood Pressure Treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate
(CCA). Retrieved 27 August 2013, from
3. Pressure Treated Wood in Playground Equipment
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. (2013). Pressure Treated Wood in
Playground Equipment. Retrieved 27 August, 2013, from
4. CCA – Treated Wood
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2013). CCA – Treated Wood.
Retrieved 27 August 2013, from
3.8.3 Making shopping malls family friendly – provision of childcare and children’s playrooms
It is important to provide amenities that make shopping malls family friendly. Amenities such as childcare and
children’s playrooms provide a service that is important for shoppers with young children. Shoppers can then enjoy
shopping while their young children can enjoy activities at the childcare centre and in children’s playrooms.
3.8.4 Professional help
It is important to engage professionals for detailed consultation on the design and installation of amenities in
shopping malls and shop spaces. The following is a list of references for obtaining professional help:
• Authorised persons (AP) & registered structural engineers (RSE) – Appendix A (2)
• Registered professional engineers (RPE) in building services discipline – Appendix A (4)
Appendix A (7)
• Registered contractors – Appendix B (1) (4) (5) & (9)
Amenities for shopping malls and shop spaces
Planning for shopping malls and shop spaces
Hong Kong Green Building Council 97