Introduction to existing environmental assessment
standards for buildings and shopping malls
Nowadays, it is a global trend to pursue developments through sustainability, emphasising energy and resource
conservation, energy and water efficiency, sustainable design, environmentally friendly construction methods and
effective property management and maintenance. Many green building assessment tools have been established in
developed countries and regions in order to encourage those who want to build green and maximise both economic
and environmental performance. Green labelling schemes also act as a driving force and provide recognition for
better performing buildings.
Several local and international green building certification bodies have developed assessment tools to cater for the
unique nature of shopping malls and shop spaces. Each of the guidebooks list up-to-date architectural and building
services design criteria and management ideas for planners, future and existing owners, and tenants and operators.
The general public worldwide is able to distinguish between a green shopping mall (or shop space) and a conventional
one by looking at the green building ratings..
Figure 15 Worldwide green building rating tools related to retail developments
Introduction to existing environmental assessment standards for buildings and shopping malls
Worldwide green building rating tools related to retail developments
BEAM Plus New Buildings V1.2
BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V1.2
BEAM Plus Interiors V1.0
Hong Kong – Hong Kong Green
Building Council (HKGBC)
Green Star – Retail Centre V1
Green Star PILOT – Interior
Australia – Green Building
Council of Australia (GBCA)
Green Mark –
Non-Residential New Buildings V4.1
Existing Building V3
Restaurants V1
Supermarket V1
Retail Tenants V1
Singapore – Building Construction
Authority (BCA)
South Africa –
Green Building
Council of South
Africa (GBCSA)
Green Star SA –
Retail Centre V1
US – U.S. Green Building Council
LEED V3 2009 –
Retail: New Construction &
Major Renovations
Retail: Commercial Interiors
UK – Building Research
Establishment (BRE)
BREEAM Retail 2008
Australia – New South
Wales Office of
Environment & Heritage
NABERS for Shopping Centres
The basics
52 Hong Kong Green Shop Guide