Step 3.4.4 When you shop in a shop
• Recycle any recyclables: Locate the recycling bins in the shopping areas and make good use of them when you
dispose of any recyclable materials.
• Participate in green education programmes: Spend some time in supporting the green programme to acquire
knowledge of how to go green while you go shopping.
Step 3.4.5 Calculate your own carbon footprint: Carbon calculators
There is no direct to way to trim your carbon emissions in one day; go step by step and lead a low-carbon
lifestyle. Try using a carbon calculator to estimate your
, of either a single person or a household,
and review it regularly.
Two useful tools are recommended here:
Calculation tool Website
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Carbon Calculator
Version 2.0
World Wide Fund for Nature. (n.d.). Carbon Calculator Version
2.0. Retrieved 5 April 2013, from
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited Carbon Calculator CLP Power Hong Kong Limited. (2010). Carbon Calculator.
Retrieved 5 April 2013, from
Read more at:
Climate Change
The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Environmental Protection Department. (2013).
Climate Change. Retrieved 4 June 2013, from
How can you tell whether the shopping mall or
shop space is green?
What you see or feel
What is the problem?
Is this green?
You need to wear extra
clothing when entering
a shopping mall or shop
space on a hot day.
Temperature inside the mall or shop space is set
too low and is too cold for normal comfort.
NO. Energy is wasted on
excessive air-conditioning.
People wearing eye glasses
find their glasses fogged up
when leaving the shopping
mall or shop space.
Temperature inside the mall or shop space is set
too low and causes condensation on cold eye
NO. Energy is wasted on
excessive air-conditioning.
When you are inside the
shopping mall or shop
space, you experience
inexplicable discomfort such
as coughing, sneezing,
headache even when you
are not physically ill.
Your body may have detected harmful
substances (such as gas, particles, radiation) in
the shopping mall or shop space causing allergic
reactions which are actually giving you a warning
NO. Products and materials
in the shopping mall or shop
space may contain or emit
harmful substances which
may create an unhealthy
indoor environment.
You feel tired, sleepy or
yawn even though you had
enough sleep the night
There is not enough oxygen supply inside the
shopping mall or shop.
The amount of carbon dioxide inside the
shopping mall or shop space is too high.
NO. Ventilation inside the
shopping mall or shop
space is not adequate to
supply enough oxygen and
eliminate excessive carbon
The shopping mall or shop
space is having renovations
and you notice a paint smell
that is irritating.
The paint used for renovation contains
is harmful to
Getting started to go green
Quick Start Menu to go green
46 Hong Kong Green Shop Guide