BEAM Plus selection guidance
Practitioners can choose an assessment tool that best suits their development based on their type of development
and space usage. Various examples of retail development projects and their applicable BEAM Plus rating systems are
categorised in the table below.
BEAM Plus New Buildings
(BEAM Plus NB)
BEAM Plus Existing Buildings
(BEAM Plus EB)
BEAM Plus Interiors
For building owners:
- New construction
- Major renovation to existing retail
- Expansion of a building
For building owners and property
- Existing retail building
For tenants/occupiers:
- New office fitting-out and interior
projects such as a restaurant,
hair salon, supermarket, retail
shop, etc.
- Renovation of office fitting out and
interior projects
Figure 23 BEAM Plus certification selection for retail projects (Source: BEAM Society Limited)
2.3.2 International – UK, US, South Africa, Australia and Singapore
Apart from Hong Kong, practitioners can also review best practices and experiences from overseas that could potentially
be implemented successfully in Hong Kong.
To learn more, please refer to the following overseas rating systems:
Overseas System Origin
United Kingdom Building Research Establishment (BRE)
United States U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)
Green Star SA South Africa Green Building Council of South Africa
Green Star
Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)
New South Wales, Office of Environment
and Heritage (NSW OEH)
Green Mark
Building and Construction Authority (BCA)
Figure 24 Different overseas green building rating systems
BEAM Plus certification tools
In all existing BEAM Plus rating systems, ratings are classified into Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
To learn more, BEAM Plus certification tools with credit requirements are available free online.
Read more at:
BEAM Plus certification tools
Hong Kong Green Building Council. (2013). BEAM Plus certification tools. Retrieved 30 May 2013, from
Introduction to existing environmental assessment standards for buildings and shopping malls
The basics
Hong Kong Green Building Council 55